“Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.” ~Jim Rohn

If there was a way that you could learn how to lower your taxes, reduce your expenses, and eliminate your debt while improving your credit, increasing your cashflow and creating the lifestyle that you desire without spending thousands of dollars in the process would you want to learn more?

If you are ready to pivot to financial power and transform your financial future, click the button below to claim your scholarship to the “From Paycheck to Freedom” masterclass.

Apply for Your "From Paycheck to Freedom" Scholarship now, and Schedule your Financial Power Meeting at the link Below:

$499 VALUE
Expo Discounted Price With Scholarship: $49
(Limited Time Only!)


Our mission is to leave no family behind and to educate service professionals and corporate employees about the benefits of owning a home-based business to lower taxes, reduce expenses, and eliminate debt, while improving credit, increasing cashflow and building assets.


To assist service professionals and corporate employees with creating a clear vision for their home-based business while overcoming barriers that are blocking their success.


To empower 10,000 service professionals and corporate employees to acquire the knowledge, learn the skills and make the connections to transform their financial future by earning life changing income, and creating their own “family bank” by December 30, 2030.

The Academy is built on 4 pillars:

➢ Financial Education

➢ Business Development

➢ Business Funding

➢ Asset Accumulation and Asset Protection

The Academy has 2 objectives:

1. Provide a success path for students to educate themselves about finance, insurance, and real estate to achieve and maintain financial freedom

2. Provide a proven system for students to collapse the time frame to achieve financial freedom through mentorship and collaboration


Our results driven process is centered around our foundational masterclass “From Paycheck to Freedom”

STEP #1: Review the Tribal Wealth Academy Mission, Purpose, and Vision Statement

STEP #2: Apply to receive a scholarship to attend our “From Paycheck to Freedom” masterclass online

STEP #3: Schedule a Financial Power Meeting Discovery Session

Inside the masterclass you will learn how to:

➢ Lower your taxes

➢ Improve your credit

➢ Increase your cashflow

➢ Earn Residual Income

➢ Build business credit

➢ Build and protect your assets

➢ Create your own “family bank”

If you are ready to pivot to financial power and transform your financial future, click the button below to claim your scholarship to the “From Paycheck to Freedom” masterclass.

Apply for Your "From Paycheck to Freedom" Scholarship now, and Schedule your Financial Power Meeting at the link Below:

$499 VALUE
Expo Discounted Price With Scholarship: $49
(Limited Time Only!)

The Purpose of the Session is to:

Get crystal clear on your vision for your business and your financial future

Discover hidden challenges that are standing in your way of achieving your business and financial goals

Determine if you are a good fit to qualify for a “From Paycheck to Freedom” Scholarship!